We specialize in treatment tables and treatment chairs.

Your treatment table is the centerpiece of your practice. Literally and figuratively, because it influences your patients’ experience. After all, those who experience comfort during treatment feel more at ease with you as a practitioner. That’s why we choose the stylish and timeless products from Spain’s Naggura. Because we are distinctively different and dare to dream big in the usual paramedic landscape.

Our consultants are at your service and will help you choose the treatment table or treatment chair that perfectly matches your competence and style

We specialize in treatment tables and chairs.

Your treatment table is the centerpiece of your practice. Literally and figuratively, because it influences your patients’ experience. After all, those who experience comfort during treatment feel more at ease with you as a practitioner. That’s why we choose the stylish and timeless products from Spain’s Naggura. Because we are distinctively different and dare to dream big in the usual paramedic landscape.

Our advisors are here to help you choose the treatment table or chair that perfectly matches your competence and style.

Want to see and review products?

You are welcome to visit our showroom at the beautiful industrial heritage site of be-MINE in Beringen. Easily accessibleIn order to provide you with the best possible service and to devote all the necessary time to your visit, we ask that you make an appointment for the showroom.

Want to see and review products?

You are welcome to visit our showroom at the beautiful industrial heritage site of be-MINE in Beringen. Easily accessibleIn order to provide you with the best possible service and to devote all the necessary time to your visit, we ask that you make an appointment for the showroom.

Vakmanschap uit Barcelona

Naggura breekt met conventionele ontwerpen en bewijst dat mooi vormgegeven behandeltafels niet moeten inboeten aan functionaliteit, comfort, ergonomie én betaalbaarheid. Met hun innovatieve ontwerpen creëren zij een betere werkomgeving die het welzijn van patiënt en behandelaar naar een hoger niveau tilt.

Craftsmanship from Barcelona

Naggura breekt met conventionele ontwerpen en bewijst dat mooi vormgegeven behandeltafels niet moeten inboeten aan functionaliteit, comfort, ergonomie én betaalbaarheid. Met hun innovatieve ontwerpen creëren zij een betere werkomgeving die het welzijn van patiënt en behandelaar naar een hoger niveau tilt.

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